Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What's in a Genre?

Uncovering Genres
By Karen Gross

What do they mean by "genre"? There are two distinct lists that cover the area of genres, writing genres and fiction genres. The first describes what the writing's purpose is and the other describes a targeted group of readers of specific fiction. You won't find an Expository section in your local bookstore; Romance and Horror sections are more likely to be displayed. When a publisher asks if your memoirs are Descriptive or Narrative he's searching for the category that best describes your writing, not the story.

Let's take them one by one. First the Writing Genres:

Descriptive writing appears almost everywhere and is often included in other genres, such as in a descriptive introduction of a character in a narrative. This genre attempts to describe a person, place or thing in vivid detail.

Expository writing appears in and is not limited to letters, newsletters, definitions, instructions, guidebooks, catalogues, newspaper articles, magazine articles, manuals, pamphlets, reports and research papers. The goal of this genre is to give explanation or directions to the reader.

Narrative writing appears in and is not limited to novels, short stories, biographies, autobiographies, historical accounts, essays, poems, and plays. The goal of this genre is to tell a story of an experience, event, or sequence of events while holding the reader's interest.

Persuasive writing appears in and is not limited to speeches, letters to the editor, editorials, advertisements, award nominations, sales letters, petitions, scholarly writing, and opinion pieces. The goal of this genre is to give an opinion in an attempt to convince the reader that this point of view is valid or tries to persuade the reader to take a specific action.

Poetry appears almost everywhere, and examples include haiku, couplet, quatrain, limerick, ballad, lyrics, sonnet, etc. Poetic writing is a written art form that helps the writer express an imaginative awareness and is arranged to create a specific emotional response, sometimes employing the use of repetition, meter, and rhyme.
The goal of technical writing is to clearly communicate a select piece of information to a targeted reader or group of readers for a particular purpose in such a way that the subject can readily be understood. Examples of technical writing include, warranties, contracts, blueprints, etc.

It is now readily apparent that Writing Genres describe the purpose of a piece of writing.

Now we'll look at the fiction genres. These determine certain elements that readers have come to expect.

Mystery/Suspense/Horror is a fiction category for stories, usually realistic, about a mysterious/horrible event that is not explained or a crime that is not solved until the end of the story to keep the reader in suspense. Detective and Crime Novels fall into the Mystery/Suspense genre.

Poetic writing is a written art form that helps the writer express an imaginative awareness and is arranged to create a specific emotional response, sometimes employing the use of repetition, meter, and rhyme. Books of Poetry are frequently published with a theme that all selected poems share.

Fantasy fiction contains elements that are not realistic, such as talking animals, magical powers, etc. The Hobbit and The Dragon Lance Chronicles are classic examples of fantasy genre.

Science Fiction stories include futuristic technology -- a blend of scientific-fact and fictional elements. Star Trek is an example of the science fiction genre.

Historical Fiction stories take place in a particular time period in the past. Often the basic setting is real, but the characters are fictional. Historical Fiction can cover any time period. "Memoirs of a Geisha" falls into the Historical Fiction genre.

Myths are stories that explain something about the world and involve gods or other supernatural beings. Although, myths are fictional stories, in most libraries they are found in the non-fiction section of the library in the 290s.

Writing Genres

1. Descriptive

2. Expository

3. Narrative

4. Persuasive

5. Poetry

6. Technical

Fiction Genres

1. Mystery/Suspense/Horror

2. Fantasy

3. Science Fiction

4. Historical

5. Myths

6. Poetry

So there you have it...writing genres describe the purpose of the writing and the fiction genres describe a targeted writing market with pre-supposed elements.

About the author: Karen Gross is an article writer for the Affiliate Work Home resource web site. Please visit our web site for more information and advice on work from home!

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Flowing with Creative inspiration

Creative Inspiration For The Everyday Writer
By Roslyn Randle

Have you ever been a person who has had trouble starting a writing project or keeping with the lines of thought that first inspired you to write? You are not alone. Writing can be a difficult task to undertake for the writer who has trouble becoming inspired or staying inspired. There is much to think about when writing; such as capturing and keeping the attention of the audience by developing a good story. Effectively translating striking images with words into the minds of readers can take its toll on writers who indulge in too many distractions. It's easy for writers to fall into the traps of distractions. Those distractions usually produce with it babbling, lack of cohesiveness, and fleeting narratives.

Writers, as with all artists hinge the success of their livelihood on being able to flow creatively from inspiration. Because inspiration is the key to success for the writer, here are a few helpful tips that can begin to spark the imagination to the wondrous world of the mind.

Tip 1: Be observant to the senses by Journaling

By keeping a journal or diary, the writer can begin to record those sudden bursts of inspiration that come during a day. Perhaps a scent or fragrance may spark and imagination or the writer may physically and literally walk into a situation by taking walks or jogs. And speaking of walks and jogs.....

Tip 2: Keep a small recorder, if possible while taking....

Tip 3: Nature Walks

Walking meditation is a powerful way for inspiration to flow. And while you're walking, you can talk and record those moments of inspiration. There are various types of meditation; and your time spent thinking or looking within does not have to be closed up in a room with candles or in a relaxed lotus position, although it does help to incorporate a routine of.....

Tip 4: Yoga

Or some type of exercise that caters to uniting Mind, Body, and Spirit. Mental and physical practices of this type can clear the clutter of the mind. Yoga, Qi-Gong, Tai Chi, are wonderful examples of practices that will relax and inspire.

Tip 5: Create Your Space

Take inventory of your current space. Our environment usually tells us what is going on with our lives. If our space is cluttered, our life is usually screaming disorder. By creating a harmonic environment, one can begin a journey of self-discovery. Look at your environment. Listen to your space. It will speak to you. You can begin to create your space by....

Tip 6: Setting the Mood with Scents and Objects

Quite simply, you have to feel good to produce goodness. Scents, fragrances, perfumes, incenses and beautifully looking objects will begin to inspire and bring out your best creatively. And since you're going to be incorporating scents and looking at beautiful things, don't forget about....

Tip 7: The Inspiration Of Clothing

Pilar Audain Reed, a beautifully gifted designer and owner of the chic Chicago boutique Kreative Souls by Pilar, was a vision built on complete faith and courage. This artist uses her designs of jewelry and clothing to allow the Source of Creation to inspire wonder- filled designs and accessories. She was quoted as saying:

"...Since I can remember, I have always looked for that one "spot" that had the cool stuff I could wear that allowed "me" to be "me," know what I mean? It wasn't at the mall. It wasn't at the local clothing stores. For the most part, it was either in my mother's "old stuff" or my nana's jewelry box. The outer body houses the inner soul, so for me the things that I adorn my body with must be expressive and free, because I am expressive and free-spirited. The body has to "breathe" because the soul has to breathe. As long as my creative juices are flowing, so will the cool stuff I am able to create."

As so it is for the writer. Be inspired by the clothing you wear. Be inspired by the objects you surround yourself with. And finally be inspired by life. Allow life to flow. Allow inspiration to flow freely from you with the adornment of jewels and precious stones. Let the beauty of your environment uplift you to heights that you've never experience; and then write. And most importantly, relax into your gift and create.

To learn more about creative inspiration and tips geared to the writer visit Headline Articles at . Also, discover your creative soul by learning how to access the Universal Laws Of Abundance. Visit Abundance Training 101: The Universal Law Of Abundance at

Roslyn Randle is an accomplished writer, Author, and Internet Marketer. She is editor-in-chief of Headline Articles, co-publisher of Pro-Internet Biz and co-instructor for several online courses, including the popular wellness course; Lose Weight While Becoming A Wellness Coach at

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Writing Passionate Articles

Ken Nelson brings some good points about using passion in writing. I'm not sure what he intends with his "Write Truthfully" section--I can't think of many articles with room for profanity, for instance--but the point is still well taken.

Writing Passionately
By Ken Nelson

Let’s be honest – nobody wants to read a dull article. And there are plenty of them floating around! The truth is, we all have too much on our plate as it is, and if you want to get our attention, you’d better give us a good reason to listen to what you have to say. People will listen to those who are passionate about whatever it is they’re discussing. So, how do you convey that passion in your writing? Here are three good tips:

Be Passionate About Your Subject

Okay, right now many of you are saying, “Duh! How stupid is that? To write passionately, be passionate? Please step forward and receive your Certificate of Redundancy Certificate.” Ah, but not so fast my friend! In this day of internet marketing too many people are writing articles about whatever they think will make them money. Even if they don’t care a thing about Bavarian milk bottles, they will write article after article about them if they’re convinced there’s a niche market in there somewhere.

Find a topic that grips you – a topic that you can sink your teeth into and write about with fervor. Follow supposed trends and you’ll get bored and frustrated. Follow your passion and the money will come.

Write Quickly

Once you’ve found that gripping topic, sit down and pour yourself out onto the keyboard. Start venting on paper! Use plenty of exclamation marks! Don’t worry about editing the first draft – just tell it like it is! You can go back and fix the wording and the spelling and the grammar on the rewrites, but for the first draft let it fly! Writing quickly gives your prose a sense of breathlessness that will leave your reader gasping as well.

Some people like to disable the automatic correcting function on their word processor. Those squiggly green or red lines can distract you from your primary purpose of writing.

Write Truthfully

Telling the truth means not pulling any punches. You can’t write compelling articles if you’re constantly wondering what your mom or grandmother (or spouse or children, for that matter) will think about what you’re saying. Don’t be needlessly offensive, but don’t allow yourself to be silenced by the social proclivities of others either.

If you will follow these three simple but powerful tips, you will take a dull, insipid article and infuse it with infectious life!

Ken Nelson is a freelance writer and cartoonist. He markets his unique brand of humor at the Flogwear site where anybody can purchase t-shirts, mugs, aprons, calendars, and many other items printed with his cartoons and writings.

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